Monday, 17 September 2012

Artistic endeavours you can get roped into if you are artistically inclined - again!
I have decided, on our departmental blog, not just to post exhibitions visited etc but to show the interesting, 'fun' side of being an artist and what strange things you can find yourself involved in....following on from my British Legion re-design (still to be done) my new challenge was float decoration! Be careful what you agree to!

This weekend I was asked, or rather pleaded with, to help decorate a 'float' for a Poppy Queen to travel around in at Hartington Wakes! The float was a very old wooden cart attached to the back of a tractor in a large shed in the Hartington Dales. Watched on by a family of peacocks (or rather an 'ostentation of peacocks' as they are known), and a dozen or so cows and a very inquisitive terrier! Just shows what you can do with with some white fabric, a box of ribbons and an 'unusual' audience encouraging you on!

The challenge.....

....After - transport fit for a queen!

My 'audience' - less than impressed!


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