Friday, 6 February 2015

Johnny Marr Live at Maida Vale - BBC Radio 6

Johnny Marr Live at Maida Vale

I have to say Friday 03rd October was possibly the wierdestly exciting & odd day i have had followed by the bestest day on the Monday.  Noticed on my emails at work several from BBC Radio 6...'why are radio 6 emailing me??' I discover that a retweet i had randomly done for tickets to see Johnny Marr play at Maida Vale had amazingly got me picked go and see Johnny play!! Oh my God! Deep joy and total amazement was swiftly followed by horror as a I remembered that do have a job...and that I teach on Mondays and so swanning off to London, albeit it to see your hero, was probably not an option...deep joy swiftly turned to deep misery!! so dejected, despondent left Cinderalla...not going to the ball ...Johnny Marr gig!! ...then got this tweet: that's a special tweet!!

Now I do know I had not actually been personally picked by the man himself (though i do like to think so...perhaps...just maybe!! but thought, however, it would be rude when Johnny Marr had picked ME not to go! (love this tweet!!) 
So action stations - phoned work - immediate boss said yes, next step ask next boss - she wonderfully also said long as i can get cover for Mondays classes - for free or pay for it myself (eek) ...i got cover...amazing friend at need to get to London without remortgaging the house for the cost of the train...and who to go with...was like mission impossible lasting hours, much distress. but after many worked - cover, train, friend...London here i come...and more importantly Johnny Marr at Maida Vale here i come!!  ..... - train - taxi - dropped off by a very jealous taxi driver who asked where we were going and was sooo jealous when i said to see Johnny Marr play - well who wouldn't be. swanned up to door at Maida Vale studios saying 'I'm on the guest list' and was the first one to be let in...then watched the wonderful Johnny Marr  play. First hearing of the brilliant 'Playland' album - really exciting. Was a brilliant morning - love seeing Johnny Marr play - love that guitar, the songs, the band.....Also saw my favourite radio DJ  Shaun Keaveney and Lauren Laverne and all the the wonderful, historic Maida Vale studios - such an amazing experience. 
Arrived home and watched it straight away on TV and even spotted myself!!
Thank you work, thank you BBC Radio 6 and thank you Johnny Marr. :)

Set List on Maida Vale 3 on 6 Oct 2014 at BBC Maida Vale Studios, London

  • Speak Out Reach Out (6 Music Live at Maida Vale 2014)

  • Easy Money (6 Music Live at Maida Vale 2014)

  • Generate! Generate! (6 Music Live at Maida Vale 2014)

  • 25 Hours (6 Music Live at Maida Vale 2014)

  • Candidate (6 Music Live at Maida Vale 2014)

  • Still Ill (6 Music Live at Maida Vale 2014)

    Original byThe Smiths

  • Getting Away With It (6 Music Live at Maida Vale 2014)

    Original byElectronic

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