Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Astound 2015

Foundation Degree in Creative Art & Design Practice
Leek School of Art

New Art & Design entrepreneurs displayed their work in Astound 2015 contemporary art exhibition at the Nicholson Art Gallery in Leek. Now in its sixth year, this exciting exhibition showcases the talent and creativity of students studying Art & Design at Buxton & Leek College. Gemma Ball and Simon Henderson organised a fantastic show. 
The event is organised by the yr 3 students as part of their degree with support from yr 1 & yr 2 students. All students take part in the 3 week event exhibiting a range of work. This year the exhibition included printmaking, ceramics, fine art painting and mixed media work. Another successful show.
facebook.com - Leek School of Art
instagram - Leekschoolart https://instagram.com/leekschoolart/

Visitors to the exhibition in Stockwell Street had a chance to buy unique works of art including paintings, ceramics, glass, photography and prints. There was opportunities for those visiting to meet with the artists and find out more about their work and the courses.
Exhibitor Gemma Ball from Buxton joined the course as a way of extending her creative skills and broadening her horizons.  “Having been out of the workplace for several years, bringing up children, this course has been great for allowing me to explore a variety of avenues.  I have been introduced to new opportunities and aim to pursue a career in the creative industries.

Gemma Balls work - collographic printmaking

Organisors Gemma Ball & Simon Henderson 

Lecturer Jennie Morrey with 2nd yr student Cathy Robson

Leek Town Mayor Councillor Ben Emery and his partner with BLC Prinicpal Len Tildsley

Among the exhibitors will be Simon Henderson from Leek. Simon was a former head keeper at a wildlife park and sanctuary who, when faced with mobility issues, decided on a change of career. With a strong interest in art, he chose to do the Foundation Degree in Art & Design Practice and is now specialising in ceramics. He said, “Although I knew it wanted a career in art I didn’t know which path to take and this course has really helped me to find my way. I’ve particularly enjoyed developing my ceramic skills and have discovered a real passion for Anglo-Saxon pottery and Grayson Perry.” 


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