Tuesday, 6 October 2015

The Whitworth, Manchester -'The M+ Sigg Collection: Chinese art from the 1970s to now'

Calligraphy Peach Blossom Garden (2004) - Yangjiang Group

Favourite works from the recent exhibition at the fab Whitworth Gallery, Manchester

'....though the wooden bridge, artificial flowering trees and stalagmite-like wax sculptures that together make up Calligraphy Peach Blossom Garden by the Yangjiang Group appear tranquil, the balled sheets of calligraphy that fidget strangely as something moves unseen beneath them are actually a way of subverting the tradition and discipline associated with the art form. They are brought to life through movement, and because the installation is a three dimensional representation of the text painted on them'. http://www.creativetourist.com/articles/art/manchester/whats-new-at-the-whitworth-bedwyr-williams-the-return-of-cornelia-parker/


The M+ Sigg Collection: Chinese art from the 1970s to now

....includes Ai Weiwei’s installation, Still Life (1995-2000), a mass-display of thousands of Stone Age axe heads and an iconoclastic gesture designed to offset the value and importance of these ancient objects.

and Zhang Wang - 'Artificial rock No 31' Stainless Steel

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