The Foxlowe Arts Centre - Sunday 26th May.
A fab day was had by all at the Fantastical Bird workshop run by the very talented Chris Thompson. 'Bird wars' had begun between Gwen and myself in the run up to the workshop...what to take?? tins, frames, boxes, found objects, what/who is the inspiration for the little birds, whats the story behind them....Chris birds are amazing and the quirky tales that he bases them around make them so good. He says...
"Fantastical Birds, they give a lot of love and will brighten your day"..they most definitely do.
We made birds, ate cake, ate lunch, sat in the sun, drank tea and had lots of fun and left with our own little feathered friend to take home with us.
'Gerald' by Chris Thompson
Gerald waited for his girl by the gas works wall, unfortunately he forgot the gas was turned off and he had to borrow his sister Millys coat. 'Hussar' for Milly and her rather fetching coat that was also practically warm.
'Mildred' by Chris Thompson
"Mildred tried her hand at decorating balloons but found a job checking the peckability of tops with bottoms not wanting to move to far away from the sea she was pleased that the job was with Messers Thompson, Thompson and Hipkiss, 'Beach Bottle Top Peck Check Company', Beach Road, Beachley BB13 5NZ".

....Bird makers in action!

'Polly in Pyjamas'... Suzanne Mellor little birds, Polly, story started in Liverpool in 1901 when Polly arrived at Liverpool Docks and then somehow ended up travelling to my grandparents farm - 'Manor Farm' in Hulme-End, Manifold Valley. Polly spent most days in the back yard near the milk house and charmingly shouted at the famers ...'bugger off' and 'your nothing but an old faggot!' Dont know where she got that from. Polly's days ended when she got caught in a bad rain storm and now has lived (stuffed!) in a box in the farm kitchen on the dresser ever since. She sits, silently now, surrounded by photos of my cousins and I like part of the Mellor family!! Polly is dressed in fabric from a pair of never finished 1940's pyjamas sourced from the treasure trove of things my Grandma and Aunty Dot have 'acquired' over the years..or 'a load of junk that needs throwing away' as my Aunty Dot describes it!

'S.A.S'...Gwen Emery

'Disco Diva'...Andrea Tilbrook

Un-named!...Mary Worwood

The days fantastical collection of Fantastical Birds

The fantastical bird makers!
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